Progress on 'Operation Finish Living Room' has been made!
Before, Lots of Crazy Sheetrock Action going on.
Progress! And a Cleaner House!
The funnest part about this project was definitely buying the lumber. You see, I drive this tiny, little orange Chevy Aveo. Now picture me pulling up to it with a cart filled with $100 worth of 8ft lumber and opening the trunk to put all of it in there. The men around me must've thought I was Mary Poppins with how easily I was just slidding it all in!
There were definitely a few hiccups. The lattice strip I bought for the project fought me viciously until I gave up and bought something that wouldn't splinter so easy.
There were definitely a few hiccups. The lattice strip I bought for the project fought me viciously until I gave up and bought something that wouldn't splinter so easy.
Small Shoe-Moulding took place of the Lattice Strips
And that LONG area above the door where I had to use two 1x6x8s to make the whole span...yeah, I may have accidently used the liquid nail on the wrong side...and it entailed a lot of sanding and scraping to remove it...not fun.
I did learn to use our recently resurrected table saw, which was nice. (We thought we killed it 4 years ago but kept it just in case we needed the table or the motor). Well, my husband went to try to remove the motor (while having it plugged in for some reason) and it started right up, thankfully without cutting off his hand!
I will tell you that although using it is easy, it is very alarming knowing that the blade is right under your hand when you are coping the wood!
I did learn to use our recently resurrected table saw, which was nice. (We thought we killed it 4 years ago but kept it just in case we needed the table or the motor). Well, my husband went to try to remove the motor (while having it plugged in for some reason) and it started right up, thankfully without cutting off his hand!
I will tell you that although using it is easy, it is very alarming knowing that the blade is right under your hand when you are coping the wood!
I still have A LOT of caulking and putting to do!
There has also been progress with the Bookcases and Curtains...
They are DONE!
No More Ugly Brown!
And no more bowed shelves! (We took care of that darn cat problem, too. haha!) :'9
Bookcase Progress
Added some vertical dividers, crown moulding, and casing...
...slapped on some paint and styled it the next week! Okay...lots of paint. 2 coats of primer, 3 coats of white, and 2 coats of blue (and I still feel like it is splotchy in some areas).
My Favorite Moment in the Bookcase
A lot has been happening outside as well! Forgive the messiness outside, it is just too darn hot to be out there for long.
Picket Fence went up between House and Garage
(Panels were garage sale find!)
We've been pulling out the massive overgrowth that was in front of our house...

Mmm...lovely horrible brickwork containing walls...and those window canopies!
Well, those canopies went down as soon was we moved in, but all those plants have taken us 4 attempts to remove! Not to mention the Coral Vine...
Oh yes, it may look beautiful but this baby right here grows rapidly to 40 feet, and I know because I grabbed a vine and walked all the way into the street with it until it finally tugged. NOT something you want growing up the front of your house!
Whew! Getting tired just thinking of all that still needs to get done, wish us luck!